TAI’s structural engineering division sets itself apart with an ability to turn around a high-quality finished product within a compressed time-frame. Speed is also an asset in situations where a client has an unexpected structural need that must be addressed quickly. These efficiencies come from years of experience working for clients in manufacturing and industrial facilities, plus the fact that some of our engineers have partnered on projects for a decade or more.
As a full-service firm, our structural engineers collaborate with our other divisions to provide the most comprehensive service available. Consequently, we are adept at working with similar disciplines within other companies that don’t offer civil/structural services. For instance, we know the right questions to ask, we can allow for the work of other disciplines in our designs, and we know how to coordinate our work in progress. Our full suite of services includes assessment and reinforcement of existing structures (especially in “emergencies”), engineering and detailed design of tank farms, pipe support structures, supports for large machinery and equipment, and prefab building foundations.