TAI’s commissioning team can save your project time and money.

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SEE CX Services

Today’s construction projects involve more technically advanced building systems that are severely impacted by supply chain shortages and constructed on even tighter schedules. These factors can lead to loss of quality if the design/construction/ turnover sequences are not closely coordinated, planned and executed by all parties – including the Building Owner, Designers, Construction Manager, Subcontractors, Equipment Manufacturer’s Representatives and Building Facility staff. TAI provides unique support services in the areas of Quality Assurance/Quality Control and 3rd Party Testing Agent Services that can bridge the gaps to help ensure a construction project’s success.

Our professionals have design, construction and commissioning background that allow us to work closely together with the entire construction team to aid in their success. We have personnel certified with Army Corps of Engineers/NAVFAC Construction Quality Control Management to ensure the high degree of QA/QC protocol required on Federal Government projects. Ultimately, we have the unique experience required to work  together with the construction team to help ensure that the final deliverable – a completed facility that meets all Owner’s Project Requirements and Basis of Design and it has been constructed in the most cost and time effective means while always maintaining the highest degree of quality. All of this leads to a highly satisfied customer and the opportunity for future new work. 

Value-Added QA/QC Services May Include:

  • Inspecting all required mechanical and plumbing Mock-ups to ensure compliance with construction documents and then ongoing inspection of rough-ins to verify they are meeting approved mock-up.
  • Maintaining QC Issues log to document, track and close all quality related issues throughout construction.
  • 3rd Party MEP rough-in inspections to ensure proper installation methods.
  • Duct Air Leakage Testing – Review DALT Plan and witness DALT tests.
  • Test & Balance Monitoring – Verify all TAB deficiency report items are resolved in a timely manner to expedite TAB work. Review project schedule for efficient sequencing of TAB activities.
  • As Built Review – Verify as-built set is being accurately maintained throughout construction.
  • Monitoring of all MEP Installations to address possible access/clearance issues associated with above ceiling installations during course of entire construction.
  • Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Start-Ups – Verify start-ups are conducted with approved manufacturer’s documentation and all deficiencies are tracked and resolved.
  • Field Testing of Piping - Review piping test plans for Stormwater, Plumbing and HVAC piping and witness tests and provide inspections throughout construction. Provide test and field reports.
  • 3rd Party HVAC equipment water coil pressure testing with industry standard pressure rig and required calibrated equipment.
  • P&ID Drawing Walk Downs – Ensure that all required devices, piping, and wiring are installed per approved P&ID Drawings.
  • O&M Manual Review – Verify submitted O&Ms meet specification requirements and all criteria for Building Owner Training.

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