ENR: #12 Nationally Ranked for Design Firms in the United States
ENR divides companies’ industry leaders in 20 market sectors. In the Manufacturing Sector, TAI was ranked at #12 out of all design firms in the US. Engineering News‐Record (ENR) is the resource for the Engineering, Architecture and Construction Industry.
Top 50 Fastest Growing Private Companies
For two years running, TAI made the Baltimore Business Journal’s List
TOP 100 Private Companies
In 2022, TAI was ranked #58 on the Top 100 Private Companies in the Baltimore, Maryland region (ranked by revenue) by the Baltimore Business Journal, (BBJ). Revenue topped $50 million.
#19 in Middle Market Leaders
The BBJ Categorizes companies with revenues from $25 Million to $1 Billion. This award was based on each company’s multi‐year revenue growth as well as the impact the companies made on their community and their industry.
Wintergreen Award for Excellence
TAI’s Buildings & Facilities Group has performed engineering on various LEED Certified Buildings and has been awarded the Wintergreen Award for Excellence in Green Building by USGBC Maryland two years in a row.