We believe truly effective site safety goes beyond the trained professionals and the up-to-date equipment we provide on-site. Effective site safety also requires your employees to understand their role in emergency avoidance and preparedness when TAI isn’t there. To accomplish this, we engage your staff during training and education so that they comprehend how their individual actions can prevent an emergency. We also help them to internalize the procedures that must be followed if the unfortunate occurs.
Among our specialties, we are poised as the preeminent provider of Confined Space Rescue Standby for industrial jobs. Our team will help you maintain compliance with OSHA 1910.146 by providing the necessary equipment and trained personnel. Another area of expertise is specialized response to silo and bulk storage fires located within coal, sawdust, and grain storage facilities. To avoid fires, our Fire Watch & Brigade Team will provide stand-by while you conduct hot work, burning and welding, and maintain a constant presence for a prescribed time to report any hazardous developing conditions. From our general services, TAI can provide instruction to your employees from basic CPR to advanced rescue, as well as special hazard prevention services.