
Location: Baltimore, MD
Completed: 2020
Value Class: <$70,000

The Client is a chemical manufacturer of specialty surfactants, which is a major player in polymers, amines, guar, and phosphorus derivatives.

Project Details

The Client asked TAI to provide multiple 3D scans of an existing line within the plant. The purpose was to obtain an accurate base line and provide initial lay-ins for new equipment. The findings and report were presented to the Client plant and corporate engineering teams.


TAI provided support for proof of concept design including the installation of structural steel extensions, building siding, platform extensions, drum loading with trolley and hoist crane, drum dumping device, pump installation and minor piping modifications. Additionally, TAI provided digital scanning equipment and personnel to setup and provide a digital scan of the existing vessel, mechanical equipment, piping, greater than two inch diameter and related structural installation. Along with the concept installation components, TAI developed a 3D model to be used for proof of concept and for generation of project installation components at a later time.

TAI provided:
  • digital scanning equipment
  • personnel and labor to setup
  • a digital scan of the existing vessel
  • mechanical equipment
  • piping, above 2″ diameter and related structural installation which along with the concept installation components, TAI developed a 3D model to be used for proof of concept and later on for generation of project installation components.

Services Provided:

  • 3D Laser Scanning
  • Proof of Concept Design
  • Structural Steel Erection


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