
Location: Baltimore, MD
Completed: 2020
Value Class: $96,310

The Client offers a variety of food and non-food grade printed paper wrapping products to a variety of manufacturers ranging from wallboard connecting strips to individual candy wrappers. The Client provides multi-color, food-safe products to keep their customers wrapping needs fulfilled.

Project Details


The Client required the update and extension of the collection of operations data to be used by management. All production lines tie into data concentration boxes to allow data back and forth with the manufacturing execution system. The data collection equipment and wiring were installed at the Baltimore, MD site on several production lines. TAI was tasked with finding a way to capture the signals for data collection while not disabling the same signals which are used to operate the machinery.


TAI provided Project Management and Quality Assurance for the project with a Lead Controls Engineer responsible for all aspects of project management, project coordination, resource management, and coordination with other project team members and our internal electrical installation team to ensure the integrated control system was implemented smoothly and seamlessly. TAI also supplied a Lead Controls Engineer to manage the engineering, documentation development, integration, installation, checkout, and commissioning.

TAI worked with the Client’s personnel to define the detailed location for three buttons that tied into each piece of equipment and into the  data concentration hardware including push buttons for “Output” “Input” and “Good Copy”. In general, buttons were placed on the main operation electrical enclosure, on the Unwind section of the machine, and on the Rewind section of the machine. The wiring for these interface buttons, for detecting the output of the machine (the count representing throughput), and for a three-light stack light were documented and installed.

TAI was able to streamline this engineering effort to complete these tasks because of knowledge gained on two prior installations. TAI also provided Quality Control of all Engineering and Submitted Documents.

  • Installation of wiring to capture a pulse representing “Footage Count” passed along from encoder or proximity switch to the data concentrator. This typically involved the addition of a splitter to allow the encoder signal to continue to provide signals to the control system while also providing data to the manufacturing execution system.
  • Installation of wiring to capture operator inputs representing the status of the machine operation. We also supplied interposing relays between machine signals and signals that go to the data collection system.
  • Electrical drawings to document the wiring added as part of this project.
  • The coordination with the Client to install on an evening shift or on a weekend.
  • Provided on-site checkout for the revised system and confirmed proper operation of the devices and their connections back to the data concentrator.
  • Provided testing and commissioning, providing functional testing to verify system and component operation for witness and approval by the Client.

TAI’s engineering and installation services provided the customer with the data collection hardware and connections needed to track product throughput and production efficiency that had previously been collected in an incomplete and misleading fashion. TAI’s engineering design and installation allowed for the revision and standardization of the data collection and status display (via stack light). This was needed by the customer to gain better visibility into operations and as a leverage for continuous improvement. Our implementation streamlined operator input and, therefore, led towards more consistent data gathering. The use of the same signals for data collection as are used to operate the machine provides more accurate production data. The customer now has the tools to provide their customers with more accurate lead time predictions. They are now able to make more informed decisions regarding production capabilities and future investments.



Services Provided:

  • Project Management


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